Most of us have had the experience of walking into a space and sensing heaviness or feeling uncomfortable for no apparent reason. Quantum physics has proved that everything in the universe is made up of energy which constantly flows and changes. Just as we can become unbalanced energetically so can our homes, land and offices. The energy of places can affect our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Homes, Building and Land sessions include an analysis of the following:
Imprints, Projections, Thought Forms and Implants:
Burials, wars, arguments, fear, pain, etc. Energies/entities of illness, divorce, rejection, pain, fear, smoke, drugs, alcohol, etc.
Incongruent Energies:
Unconsciousness, anti-consciousness left behind or stuck in a space.
Incongruencias with earth energies or no permission (not even a conversation) to build/clear/landscape/remove trees/etc.
Geopathic Stress:
Underground rivers, intersecting waterways, metals, fault lines.
Energies of the earth (elementals, etc.):
Energies of the heavens (sun, moon, stars, beings of light, etc.) - Trees, animals, birds, plants, etc.
Some of the many benefits of a Homes, Building and Land session can include:
∞ Feel-good in the spaces
∞ A sanctuary to live and work
∞ Reclaiming balance
∞ A fresh start
∞ Home or office where you want to be
∞ Extra support and nurturing
∞ Energetic boundaries to protect the home and inhabitants from unwanted energies
Angela can help you evaluate a building, home or land’s energy and consciousness level and help determine what it requires to become peaceful, full of vitality, etc. Book a session today